Volunteer Opportunities at Mann Library
Patricia Raczka, School Site Library Technician II
619-560-4460 Ext. 3071
[email protected]
Page updated: March 7, 2021
Mann Library Welcomes Volunteers!
There are several times throughout the academic year that extra help is highly appreciated in the library. Your assistance to help improve the library will be appreciated by the entire school, especially students. Here are some of the current tasks:
Second week of classes when over 3,200 textbooks are checked out by students.
First week before classes end, when textbooks are returned to the library.
Daily lunch time when students arrive to the library to play board games, try arts and crafts, and use the computers.
Organizing the new textbook room (Room B) in preparation for textbook returns at the end of the year. Tables and bookshelves will be moved from the current textbook room in preparation for construction of new classrooms.
Wish to remove overgrown hedge outside of the library and plant a succulent garden to provide an outdoor seating area for teacher break time and/or lunch time.
Help needed for a new installation of a poetry corner in the main library. The design includes placing a blue paper tree (already cut out) with leaves on the wall. One table to be moved out of the way with moving dolly. Three cabinets to hold the poetry books to be placed in front of the blue tree. Selection of poetry books. Signage placed in front of the cabinets, some on the wall.
Creation of a new seating area that is close to the reference section in the multi-use room. Chairs have already been requested from SDUSD’s storage facility.
Cataloging of 170 new library books recently been purchased from Follett’s Titlewave.
Reshelving fiction and nonfiction books that are returned by students.
Repairing books that are returned by students.
Cataloging and repairing course textbooks.
Mailing letters to students with overdue books.
SDUSD Volunteer Forms:
High School Students:
Please contact me if you want to complete community hours by working in the Mann Library at [email protected].
Copyright © Horace Mann Middle School
4345 54th Street, San Diego, CA 92115
Tel. (619) 560-4460 Fax. (619) 583-2637